Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shake and Slide

It has rained for two days straight but we have had fun anyway. Yesterday morning we went to storytime at the library. Jayden loves to go because of the songs that they sing. Every week they sing the same three songs: "Shake your sillies out", "Happy and you know it" and "Head, shoulders, knees and toes". He knows all the words and even does the hand motions to go along with them. He calls storytime "shake" because of the first song and when we are leaving he always waves to the room and says "bye, shake!". It is too cute. That said, he does not care for the actual stories. They normally read three stories and he just can't sit through them. I usually bribe him with snacks during that part.

When we woke up this morning and it was still raining I decided that we were going to make a trip to Jump 4 Joey. Jayden loves going there but usually makes me carry him up all of the slides which is pretty much out of the question right now since I am almost 33 weeks pregnant. Jason has gone with us the last couple of times to help out and it seems to have made Jayden more independent. He still wanted me to play with him but he climbed up all of the slides and went down them by himself. Even the really steep one that I have a hard time doing when I'm not pregnant! I was so proud of my big boy. He is growing up so fast!

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