Today was just an all-around really good day! I am not the only one in my family to be pregnant right now. I have two cousins who are due around the same time as me! Judith and Reba are both having c-sections and they have already scheduled the dates. Judith is having hers on April 22nd and Reba's is scheduled for May 15th, which is my due date! Reba and I are both having boys and they may very well have the same birthday! What's even funnier is that she and Brett are naming their baby Brady. So they will be Brody and Brady and born within days of each other. I am sure there will be a lot of love between all three of the new cousins! Anyway, we had a "ladies luncheon" at Olive Garden today in honor of the new babies. Almost all of the girls in the family were there. Jessica had to work and Lexi didn't get to come because one of her pets passed away this morning. I wasn't expecting presents but ended up getting the nicest things! I have always felt so blessed to have been born into such a loving and caring family and it makes me so happy to know that my children will grow up the same way!
Jayden stayed home with Jason again today so after lunch I snuck a few more minutes of "me time" in and got a pedicure. It was wonderful!! I am so thankful to Jason for taking care of our little man the past two Saturdays so that I could enjoy my parties and get a little girl time in. He is such a good Dad and Jayden loves to have him around! This morning when I was getting ready they wrestled on the bed and in the floor for about an hour. Jayden could play like that all day!