I have been really looking forward to Easter this year because it is really the first one that we have actually been able to enjoy with Jayden. Last year Jayden was sick with double ear infections and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease so it was not a very fun day. This year, however, we were disease free and had a really great Easter weekend. Jayden spent the night with Grammy and Papa on Friday night so that Jason and I could have a date night. We ended up having dinner at the food court in the mall and walking around for a while before going to see a movie (Fast and the Furious). We even stayed out long enough to do a little shopping at Kohl's afterwards. All I could think about the whole night is that it might be our last night out for a very long time!
Jason had to work on Saturday so I slept late, did a little shopping and got a pedicure before I picked Jayden up that afternoon. When I got to my parents house he was dying Easter eggs and loving every minute of it. We had decided to forgo that activity at our house this year because we didn't think he was old enough to enjoy it, but apparently we were wrong! Grammy sent the eggs home with him in a basket and he wanted to play with them all afternoon.
Later that day we went home to make a nest for the Easter Bunny. Every year when I was growing up my Dad would dig a hole in the backyard for both my sister and I. We would pick grass and flowers out of the yard to decorate the hole for the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny would leave our Easter baskets inside for us filled with goodies but he would also leave a few treats in the nests we had decorated for him in the backyard. Jayden had so much fun walking around the yard with his basket picking grass and flowers off the trees and bushes. He would then walk over to his nest and dump the entire contents of the bucket in the hole. The Easter Bunny must have been very impressed with his work because he was very good to Jayden this year. He brought Jayden a Thomas the Train play set, foam letters for the bathtub, a package of hot wheels, and lots of eggs filled with candy and money.
Sunday morning, after we found all of the Easter Bunny's gifts we got ready for church. Jayden has been having a really hard time with church for about a year now. Two Sundays ago we moved him up to the two year old class to see if the change of scenery would help him be a little happier. So far, it hasn't worked. I stayed with him for the first fifteen minutes or so and then left to go to worship with Jason. I got to stay for about ten minutes before they paged me to come back and stay with him. Apparently, he was so inconsolable that he was slapping himself in the face and close to vomiting.
After church we went to my parents house so that Jayden could take a nap and then over to my Aunt's house for lunch with the family. Jayden ran straight to Papa, of course, and didn't leave his side for longer than a few seconds the whole afternoon. He brought his Thomas train to show everyone and had a good time playing all afternoon. He and his cousin, Maris, played and hunted Easter eggs together. Maris is eight years old and very sweet and patient with Jayden. Whenever she would leave the room he would say "Maris, are you, Maris?". It was really cute. His other cousins, Lauren and Max, couldn't be there because they have a brand new baby brother, Will, at home.
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