Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stork Stories

We went for my almost-37 week checkup this morning and got some very exciting news! I am one centimeter dilated! I know to most people this is not a lot and I also know that I could go another three weeks this way. However, I had been in labor for 14 hours with Jayden when we finally went to the hospital only to find out from the nurse that I was not even a full centimeter dilated! So to already be at a one when I am three weeks away is good news for me! I have been thinking a lot about Jayden's birth today (since it is his birthday!) so I thought I would record the story here.

Jayden was due on Thursday, April 19th but refused to make an appearance that day. Saturday morning I woke up at 7:30 with my first contraction. I spent all day Saturday timing my increasingly painful contractions and wondering if I was actually in labor. The doctor had told me not to go to the hospital until my contractions were coming about three minutes apart for an hour. About 6:30 that evening I called my cousin (who is a nurse and childbirth educator) and told her that I had been having contractions all day but that they weren't coming in a regular pattern. She said that it might or might not be real labor and that I should try drinking a very large amount of water (24 oz or more) within five minutes or so and if the contractions stopped then I would know that I wasn't really in labor. Jason and I decided to go get something to eat at the Japanese Steakhouse and that I would try the water trick when we got back home. I ate my meal that night between contractions. When we got home I laid down on the couch with my giant bottle of water and tried to watch a movie (The Gridiron Gang) with Jason. After I drank the water the contractions started coming closer together, anywhere from five to ten minutes apart. Finally, around 11:00 I told Jason that we were going to have to go to the hospital so that I could get some pain medication and get some sleep. I really didn't think they were going to keep me since my contractions still weren't coming in a regular pattern. By the time that we got to the hospital my contractions were coming at an even 5 minutes apart. The nurse checked me and told me that I was only "a fingertip" dilated but that we were going to stay and have a baby anyway! I was shocked and scared but Jason immediately got this huge goofy grin on his face. I asked for an epidural when I was only one centimeter dilated! I wanted to get some sleep! Jayden wasn't born until 5:13 Sunday evening. He was facing the ceiling instead of the floor so they had to use forceps to help get him out. He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and was 20.5 inches long. I had never been so in love!

I am excited and scared all at the same time about the upcoming birth of baby Brody. I am hoping it will go much more quickly than Jayden's did but most of all I am just praying for a healthy baby and healthy Mommy once it is all over!

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