We had a very busy day yesterday. First, we went to story time at the library and they had their big Easter celebration. Since it's spring break for teachers Mom got to come and we also met Amy, Pax and her mom, Val. We sang songs and read stories, as usual, but also had a visit from the Easter Bunny and an Easter Egg Hunt. Jayden was a little grouchy but was very excited about the Easter Bunny (until she came too close to him) and all of the eggs. He carried his Easter basket around all day and was so proud about it. He knew that Amy and Pax were coming to story time and said so about thirty times on the drive over. After story time we all went to lunch at Hudson's. Jayden behaved pretty well and sat next to Pax and even shared some crackers with him. Thankfully, Mom came home with us after lunch and scrubbed out my refrigerator while Jayden was napping. Thank you, Mom!! She also watched Jayden for me while I went to the doctor for a baby checkup.
I was looking forward to yesterday's doctor's appointment because I have been having some "real" contractions (the painful kind) and feeling lots of pressure "down there". I told the nurse what has been going on and my concerns that this baby is going to fall out of me five weeks early and she said that they definitely wanted to check my cervix to make sure that wasn't what was happening. The doctor did the exam and had a concerned look on his face after it was over. He said that I wasn't dilated at all which is good but that the baby has definitely dropped into my pelvis but that he thinks that he felt a "baby crack" instead of a head. He wants me to go for an ultrasound next week to make sure that the baby isn't in the breach position. If he is, he said that they could try to turn the baby externally. Above all, I just want Brody to get here healthy and in one piece. That said, I really don't want to have a c-section if I can help it! I am just worried about the recovery afterwards. I've been thinking about it and it wouldn't really surprise me if he were breach because Jayden was "sunny-side up" and had to be delivered with forceps...so it would just prove that I have stubborn kids from the beginning!! Let's just keep our fingers crossed that he decides to turn head-down by next week.
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