Tuesday night we decided to take Jayden to the Circus. Papaw and Heather were taking Mckenzie and Tristan and asked if Jayden wanted to come, too. We decided to just stick to the rides instead of actually sitting through the circus (since sitting still for longer than a minute is apparently impossible for Jayden). Poor Tristan was too little to ride any of the rides but seemed to have a great time anyway. Jayden rode the cars and the four-wheelers and the helicopters (several times each). Mckenzie rode everything with him except for the helicopters. I was very hesitant to let him go on the helicopters because they actually went pretty high up in the air and I was afraid he would get scared and start trying to get out. I was wrong...it was his favorite ride of the night! He is still talking about the helicopters. He also got to go in the petting zoo which had goats, kangaroos, a porcupine and the "world's largest rodent" (which Jayden thought was a bunny rabbit and wasn't really that large yet). Squeaky the Clown rode by the petting zoo when we were on our way out and stopped to say hello. Mckenzie is not a fan of anything in costume so Jason had to rescue her and take her far away from him. But Jayden said "Hey clown!" and had no problem talking to him. Squeaky asked him if he wanted a banana and tried to hand him an empty banana peel. My child loves fruit of any kind so he really wanted that banana even though there was nothing left of it. So on top of the helicopters we are still discussing the clown's banana. We were all pretty tired by the end of the night but had a really great time together! Thanks Papaw and Heather!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Here Come the Clowns
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Stork Stories
We went for my almost-37 week checkup this morning and got some very exciting news! I am one centimeter dilated! I know to most people this is not a lot and I also know that I could go another three weeks this way. However, I had been in labor for 14 hours with Jayden when we finally went to the hospital only to find out from the nurse that I was not even a full centimeter dilated! So to already be at a one when I am three weeks away is good news for me! I have been thinking a lot about Jayden's birth today (since it is his birthday!) so I thought I would record the story here.
Jayden was due on Thursday, April 19th but refused to make an appearance that day. Saturday morning I woke up at 7:30 with my first contraction. I spent all day Saturday timing my increasingly painful contractions and wondering if I was actually in labor. The doctor had told me not to go to the hospital until my contractions were coming about three minutes apart for an hour. About 6:30 that evening I called my cousin (who is a nurse and childbirth educator) and told her that I had been having contractions all day but that they weren't coming in a regular pattern. She said that it might or might not be real labor and that I should try drinking a very large amount of water (24 oz or more) within five minutes or so and if the contractions stopped then I would know that I wasn't really in labor. Jason and I decided to go get something to eat at the Japanese Steakhouse and that I would try the water trick when we got back home. I ate my meal that night between contractions. When we got home I laid down on the couch with my giant bottle of water and tried to watch a movie (The Gridiron Gang) with Jason. After I drank the water the contractions started coming closer together, anywhere from five to ten minutes apart. Finally, around 11:00 I told Jason that we were going to have to go to the hospital so that I could get some pain medication and get some sleep. I really didn't think they were going to keep me since my contractions still weren't coming in a regular pattern. By the time that we got to the hospital my contractions were coming at an even 5 minutes apart. The nurse checked me and told me that I was only "a fingertip" dilated but that we were going to stay and have a baby anyway! I was shocked and scared but Jason immediately got this huge goofy grin on his face. I asked for an epidural when I was only one centimeter dilated! I wanted to get some sleep! Jayden wasn't born until 5:13 Sunday evening. He was facing the ceiling instead of the floor so they had to use forceps to help get him out. He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and was 20.5 inches long. I had never been so in love!
I am excited and scared all at the same time about the upcoming birth of baby Brody. I am hoping it will go much more quickly than Jayden's did but most of all I am just praying for a healthy baby and healthy Mommy once it is all over!
Jayden was due on Thursday, April 19th but refused to make an appearance that day. Saturday morning I woke up at 7:30 with my first contraction. I spent all day Saturday timing my increasingly painful contractions and wondering if I was actually in labor. The doctor had told me not to go to the hospital until my contractions were coming about three minutes apart for an hour. About 6:30 that evening I called my cousin (who is a nurse and childbirth educator) and told her that I had been having contractions all day but that they weren't coming in a regular pattern. She said that it might or might not be real labor and that I should try drinking a very large amount of water (24 oz or more) within five minutes or so and if the contractions stopped then I would know that I wasn't really in labor. Jason and I decided to go get something to eat at the Japanese Steakhouse and that I would try the water trick when we got back home. I ate my meal that night between contractions. When we got home I laid down on the couch with my giant bottle of water and tried to watch a movie (The Gridiron Gang) with Jason. After I drank the water the contractions started coming closer together, anywhere from five to ten minutes apart. Finally, around 11:00 I told Jason that we were going to have to go to the hospital so that I could get some pain medication and get some sleep. I really didn't think they were going to keep me since my contractions still weren't coming in a regular pattern. By the time that we got to the hospital my contractions were coming at an even 5 minutes apart. The nurse checked me and told me that I was only "a fingertip" dilated but that we were going to stay and have a baby anyway! I was shocked and scared but Jason immediately got this huge goofy grin on his face. I asked for an epidural when I was only one centimeter dilated! I wanted to get some sleep! Jayden wasn't born until 5:13 Sunday evening. He was facing the ceiling instead of the floor so they had to use forceps to help get him out. He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and was 20.5 inches long. I had never been so in love!
I am excited and scared all at the same time about the upcoming birth of baby Brody. I am hoping it will go much more quickly than Jayden's did but most of all I am just praying for a healthy baby and healthy Mommy once it is all over!
Happy Birthday, Jayden!
Today is Jayden's second birthday. I cannot believe my baby boy is two years old! Every day he grows bigger, stronger and smarter. The past two years have flown by and it scares me to think about how quickly he will be grown up and going his own way. I tried to just sit back and enjoy my time with him today. We ate breakfast together this morning and then went to the doctor to "check Brody" (in his words). We spent the afternoon playing together and Jason even got to come home early to play with us. He had another piece of his birthday cake and blew out the candle one last time.
A few things I want to remember about this age:
- He has become so concerned about me, telling me to be "careful, Mommy, careful!" whenever he thinks I'm doing something unsafe or asking me "right, Mommy, right?" if he thinks I have hurt myself.
- He is loving all things trains. He got a Thomas the Train play set for his birthday and has woken up every morning since asking to play with the "choo-choo tracks". I even caught him singing the "Thomas and Friends" theme song and dancing in his bed one morning before I went in to get him.
- He loves to help me check out at the grocery store. As soon as we get to the checkout counter he wants to get in the buggy part of the cart and has to help me put everything on the conveyor belt. Then he has to help me push the buttons on the debit card machine. Once we have paid he immediately sits down in the buggy and waits for me to put the bags in. The whole way to the car he says "Thank you, Mommy, thank you!" while I tell him what a big helper he was.
- His Meemee sends him a lot of gifts since she lives in North Carolina and every time he plays with one of the things she has given him he says "Thank you, Meemee!" even though she's not there to hear him.
My list could go on and on. I love you sweet boy and I couldn't be more proud of you!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Jayden's "Thomas Birthday"
Sunday was Jayden's second birthday party! For some reason I can't get any of the pictures to upload so I will have to post pictures later. The theme was Thomas the Train and he has been so excited about his "Thomas Birthday". For weeks now we have had the same conversation that goes something like this:
Jayden: "Thomas Birthday?"
Me: "Yes, you are going to have a Thomas Birthday Party."
Jayden: "Few weeks!"
Me: "Yes, in a few weeks."
Jayden: "Two!!" (he holds up both index fingers when he says it)
Me: "Yes, you're going to be two years old!"
Jayden: "Papa!...." and then he goes through a whole list of people he expects to be there.
It has been so much fun planning this party since he actually knows whats going on this year! I really enjoyed the day this year, unlike last year when I put too many details off until the day of the party and was too stressed to enjoy any of it. Sunday morning, Jayden and I went to the grocery store to get some fruit for a fruit bowl, drinks and pick up his balloons. That kid was so excited about all those balloons! We got a giant balloon in the shape of James (one of Thomas' friends for those that don't know) and he had to check on it the whole way home to make sure it was still in the car with us. I fed him lunch and put him down for a nap when we got home and decorated the house while he was sleeping. I wish I had the video camera running when he came out of his room and saw all of the decorations. He was so excited about everything!
Jayden: "Thomas Birthday?"
Me: "Yes, you are going to have a Thomas Birthday Party."
Jayden: "Few weeks!"
Me: "Yes, in a few weeks."
Jayden: "Two!!" (he holds up both index fingers when he says it)
Me: "Yes, you're going to be two years old!"
Jayden: "Papa!...." and then he goes through a whole list of people he expects to be there.
It has been so much fun planning this party since he actually knows whats going on this year! I really enjoyed the day this year, unlike last year when I put too many details off until the day of the party and was too stressed to enjoy any of it. Sunday morning, Jayden and I went to the grocery store to get some fruit for a fruit bowl, drinks and pick up his balloons. That kid was so excited about all those balloons! We got a giant balloon in the shape of James (one of Thomas' friends for those that don't know) and he had to check on it the whole way home to make sure it was still in the car with us. I fed him lunch and put him down for a nap when we got home and decorated the house while he was sleeping. I wish I had the video camera running when he came out of his room and saw all of the decorations. He was so excited about everything!
We had about twenty people, including seven kids, to show up so we had a full house! The rain held off so the kids got to play in the yard for a while and we ate pizza and fruit (Jayden's favorites). The kids also decorated their own visor and played in the playroom downstairs. The girls were definitely more interested in decorating their visors than the boys were. Jayden enjoyed putting the stickers on his but refused to wear it. The girls either wore theirs or carried them around for the rest of the party! Next, Jayden opened his presents. After he opened each present he had to take it over to Papa who was sitting on the couch and show it to him. My Dad had a whole pile of toys sitting on the table in front of him by the time that we were done. I decided that I should have let him sit in the floor with Jayden and open the presents and I could have relaxed on the couch! Jayden did such a good job of saying thank-you to whoever gave him the gift. I was very proud of him! After presents it was time for cake. Jayden knows the birthday song and wants to sing it to different people all the time. He was very excited to have everyone singing it to him and actually sang louder than anyone else! He blew the birthday candle out not once, but three times! He made me so proud the whole day! I can't believe what a big boy he has turned into!
My parents stayed and helped me clean everything up so I have to say a big thank-you to them! I know that Jayden had worn Papa out! I am also so grateful to Jason for all of his help this past week! He had a much longer list of things to do than usual due to the fact that I am enormously pregnant!
Turn, Baby, Turn!
Wednesday morning Jason, Jayden and I headed to the doctor's office for an ultrasound to see how baby Brody is positioned. After a week of lots of prayer and encouragement from his parents, Brody decided to turn head down! It was such a relief to be able to see him again and know that he looks healthy and happy in my belly! He weighed 6 lbs 7 oz as of Wednesday so we are expecting him to be about as big as Jayden was when he was born (Jayden was 8 lbs 14 oz). As far as we can tell, he looks a lot like Jayden. He has the same big lips that Jayden had when he was born and the same crease in his chin. He had his hand thrown over the top part of his face and refused to move it so we didn't get so see his whole face. We'll see him soon enough! I have about three and a half weeks left and I'm getting very excited! I can't wait to meet my sweet baby boy!
Easter Fun
I have been really looking forward to Easter this year because it is really the first one that we have actually been able to enjoy with Jayden. Last year Jayden was sick with double ear infections and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease so it was not a very fun day. This year, however, we were disease free and had a really great Easter weekend. Jayden spent the night with Grammy and Papa on Friday night so that Jason and I could have a date night. We ended up having dinner at the food court in the mall and walking around for a while before going to see a movie (Fast and the Furious). We even stayed out long enough to do a little shopping at Kohl's afterwards. All I could think about the whole night is that it might be our last night out for a very long time!
Jason had to work on Saturday so I slept late, did a little shopping and got a pedicure before I picked Jayden up that afternoon. When I got to my parents house he was dying Easter eggs and loving every minute of it. We had decided to forgo that activity at our house this year because we didn't think he was old enough to enjoy it, but apparently we were wrong! Grammy sent the eggs home with him in a basket and he wanted to play with them all afternoon.
Later that day we went home to make a nest for the Easter Bunny. Every year when I was growing up my Dad would dig a hole in the backyard for both my sister and I. We would pick grass and flowers out of the yard to decorate the hole for the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny would leave our Easter baskets inside for us filled with goodies but he would also leave a few treats in the nests we had decorated for him in the backyard. Jayden had so much fun walking around the yard with his basket picking grass and flowers off the trees and bushes. He would then walk over to his nest and dump the entire contents of the bucket in the hole. The Easter Bunny must have been very impressed with his work because he was very good to Jayden this year. He brought Jayden a Thomas the Train play set, foam letters for the bathtub, a package of hot wheels, and lots of eggs filled with candy and money.
Sunday morning, after we found all of the Easter Bunny's gifts we got ready for church. Jayden has been having a really hard time with church for about a year now. Two Sundays ago we moved him up to the two year old class to see if the change of scenery would help him be a little happier. So far, it hasn't worked. I stayed with him for the first fifteen minutes or so and then left to go to worship with Jason. I got to stay for about ten minutes before they paged me to come back and stay with him. Apparently, he was so inconsolable that he was slapping himself in the face and close to vomiting.
After church we went to my parents house so that Jayden could take a nap and then over to my Aunt's house for lunch with the family. Jayden ran straight to Papa, of course, and didn't leave his side for longer than a few seconds the whole afternoon. He brought his Thomas train to show everyone and had a good time playing all afternoon. He and his cousin, Maris, played and hunted Easter eggs together. Maris is eight years old and very sweet and patient with Jayden. Whenever she would leave the room he would say "Maris, are you, Maris?". It was really cute. His other cousins, Lauren and Max, couldn't be there because they have a brand new baby brother, Will, at home.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Jump, jump!
After Jayden woke up from his nap yesterday we went to get his hair cut (again). I took him earlier this week but he was screaming and thrashing around so much that the lady forgot to cut the front of his hair. So, we went back yesterday for a few snips off the front. Jayden, of course, screamed and thrashed around again but it only took a minute for her to fix it. Even though he hates to get his hair cut he loves going because they have a train table. The whole way there all he talks about is playing with the choo-choo trains. I've decided that he cries and pitches such a fit because he's mad that he is having to sit there instead of playing. It took me and another lady to hold him down yesterday while he was getting those three snips. Anyway, once he was done I let him play with the trains for twenty minutes or so and we left to go home. He surprised me by nicely saying goodbye to the trains and the kids he was playing with instead of pitching another fit because we were leaving. You take your victories where you can, I guess.
Jason called as we were driving home and asked if we wanted to meet him at Jump 4 Joey (it's an inflatables house). Brad, Jennifer, Mckenzie, Tristan, Kristina, Kayleigh and Ansley were all going to be there. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera so I didn't get to take any pictures of all the kids playing together but they had a lot of fun! I think the adults had as much fun as the kids did. I guess Jayden got brave with the other kids around because he went down the big slide all by himself! Joey, the kangaroo, made an appearance. Jayden was happy to see him at first but then got a little scared. Once I picked him up he was okay and gave Joey a high-five and blew him a kiss. So sweet! Kayleigh and Tristan both liked him but Mckenzie and Ansley were scared to death! I left early to run by the grocery store and pick up something for dinner. When I got home Jayden, Mckenzie and Tristan were playing on the slide in the backyard! I don't know where they found the energy!
Jason called as we were driving home and asked if we wanted to meet him at Jump 4 Joey (it's an inflatables house). Brad, Jennifer, Mckenzie, Tristan, Kristina, Kayleigh and Ansley were all going to be there. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera so I didn't get to take any pictures of all the kids playing together but they had a lot of fun! I think the adults had as much fun as the kids did. I guess Jayden got brave with the other kids around because he went down the big slide all by himself! Joey, the kangaroo, made an appearance. Jayden was happy to see him at first but then got a little scared. Once I picked him up he was okay and gave Joey a high-five and blew him a kiss. So sweet! Kayleigh and Tristan both liked him but Mckenzie and Ansley were scared to death! I left early to run by the grocery store and pick up something for dinner. When I got home Jayden, Mckenzie and Tristan were playing on the slide in the backyard! I don't know where they found the energy!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Softball Begins
Jason's softball season began, officially, last night. He plays for the Cleveland Shockers, his work team. They had an exhibition game a few weeks ago but it rained the whole time so Jayden and I didn't get to go. Jayden was really excited until he got there and he realized the he wasn't going to be able to play ball with the team. Then we had a full melt-down for about five minutes until Ashley suggested that Jason bring him an extra softball to play with. He still wasn't thrilled that he didn't get to go on the field with all the other boys but he played pretty happily the rest of the night. If you had asked me two years ago who one the game I could have told you every time, but not now. You'll have to get the score from Jason:)
Storytime's Easter Eggstravaganza
We had a very busy day yesterday. First, we went to story time at the library and they had their big Easter celebration. Since it's spring break for teachers Mom got to come and we also met Amy, Pax and her mom, Val. We sang songs and read stories, as usual, but also had a visit from the Easter Bunny and an Easter Egg Hunt. Jayden was a little grouchy but was very excited about the Easter Bunny (until she came too close to him) and all of the eggs. He carried his Easter basket around all day and was so proud about it. He knew that Amy and Pax were coming to story time and said so about thirty times on the drive over. After story time we all went to lunch at Hudson's. Jayden behaved pretty well and sat next to Pax and even shared some crackers with him. Thankfully, Mom came home with us after lunch and scrubbed out my refrigerator while Jayden was napping. Thank you, Mom!! She also watched Jayden for me while I went to the doctor for a baby checkup.
I was looking forward to yesterday's doctor's appointment because I have been having some "real" contractions (the painful kind) and feeling lots of pressure "down there". I told the nurse what has been going on and my concerns that this baby is going to fall out of me five weeks early and she said that they definitely wanted to check my cervix to make sure that wasn't what was happening. The doctor did the exam and had a concerned look on his face after it was over. He said that I wasn't dilated at all which is good but that the baby has definitely dropped into my pelvis but that he thinks that he felt a "baby crack" instead of a head. He wants me to go for an ultrasound next week to make sure that the baby isn't in the breach position. If he is, he said that they could try to turn the baby externally. Above all, I just want Brody to get here healthy and in one piece. That said, I really don't want to have a c-section if I can help it! I am just worried about the recovery afterwards. I've been thinking about it and it wouldn't really surprise me if he were breach because Jayden was "sunny-side up" and had to be delivered with forceps...so it would just prove that I have stubborn kids from the beginning!! Let's just keep our fingers crossed that he decides to turn head-down by next week.
The background to this story is that we have been working really hard for a long time now to make sure that Jayden knows to say "please" and "thank you". Anytime that he demands something in an ugly way we say "how do you say that nicely?" to which he responds "pleeease".
We have been having some crazy weather lately. After wearing sunscreen and shorts on Sunday it was back to winter weather on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday it was snowing off and on all day and just really cold so we didn't go anywhere. Jayden had been bored out of his mind all morning which is typical on a day when we don't go "bye-bye". While he was eating lunch I was watching the snow and started feeling bad that we hadn't done anything. I said, "I'm sorry we haven't gotten to do anything today but the weather is supposed to be nicer tomorrow" and he automatically said "pleeeease". It made me laugh:)
We have been having some crazy weather lately. After wearing sunscreen and shorts on Sunday it was back to winter weather on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday it was snowing off and on all day and just really cold so we didn't go anywhere. Jayden had been bored out of his mind all morning which is typical on a day when we don't go "bye-bye". While he was eating lunch I was watching the snow and started feeling bad that we hadn't done anything. I said, "I'm sorry we haven't gotten to do anything today but the weather is supposed to be nicer tomorrow" and he automatically said "pleeeease". It made me laugh:)
Race Cars and Rocks
Sunday, we took Ben's race car to the drag strip in Calhoun. Jason had been a few times before but Jayden and I had always stayed at home because I was not sure how toddler friendly the drag races would be. We decided to try it this time since it might be the only time we could go before Brody is born. We had a really great day! We parked away from the drag strip so that it wasn't so loud and I brought snacks, toys, blankets and pillows. I opened up the back of the explorer and set up a play area for the kids and let them play while we watched the races. Even though we were parked as far the the strip as we could get we could still see most of what was going on. Jayden had a great time playing with his cousins and even got to sit in Papaw's race car and "drive". He spent a lot of time picking up rocks and throwing them in the grass. It doesn't take much to occupy him, apparently!
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